Now, What are Mud Apples?


Four large apples and a bucket of mud.


Coat the apples with an inch of mud on all sides. Make sure the mud is a thick consistency. When the fire has burned long enough to make some coals, push the coals aside. Now bury the apples in the coals for about 45 minuets. Now scrape away the cooled coals and knock the cooked mud off of the apples Then discard the skin. This makes an excellent dessert after having a hillbilly cooked meal of fried pork chops.

Some groups of native Americans used a mud coating as an oven because a Dutch oven was not available.. The steam from the mud would keep the fish moist. When the mud dried the clay would protect the food from browning. So when the mud pealed off it took a lot of scales with it. Which made for a delicious instant meal. So if you do not have Dutch oven to prepare fish use mud instead

So as a resourceful hillbilly cook you can use mud to prepare both the main course and dessert.


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