This how to make awesome French Toast

french toastFrench Toast by Mark Daily

Here are 5 tips to making great French Toast

(1) Use the right type of bread Don’t use bread that is too thin because it needs some body to it in order to have a good soak in the milk or it will start to break down break down before it hits your skillet.

(2) Ratio of milk and eggs must be right Use 1/4 cup of milk and one egg per two-slices of French Toast to avoid that scrambled egg taste.

(3). Make sure that you use some seasoning Such as powdered sugar which dissolves well with the custard . And/or brown sugar which will give your French Toast a more of a caramel flavor

(4) Add some oil to your French Toast  Since butter has a low smoke point and will make your French Toast burn more faster it best to use a combination of half butter and halve natural vegetable
Japanese maple treeJapanese maple tree at Nolan river lake Kentucky by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers.

(5) It is best to use fresh maple syrup with your French Toast

Since bread had to be made from scratch back in the hills pancakes (flap jacks) were made instead of French toast However, fresh maple syrup was used when in season.

Several of my relatives who are awesome hillbilly also produce maple syrup in the great state of Wisconsin.

Here is true  anecdote My grandma asked my grandpa (who is hard of hearing) how many pieces of French toast did he want and my grandfather thought she was asking how many fence post did he want and grandpa replied two dozen. Then Grandma started making them.

Since WI is a dairy state.  So when Maple syrup is first produced there are several maple syrup celebrations which include potato pancakes. pork sausage and fresh maple syrup

Maple syrup production depends on the climate.

Maple syrup is tapped from maple trees in the spring of the year. So to produce the syrup the weather has to be freezing (32 degrees) in the evening and above freezing during the day.

So if the weather in WI is like it is now in April. 17, 2018 it will have an effect on maple syrup production.

A lot of Hillbilly cooks in the great state of Wisconsin grow their own Strawberries

So whether you grow your own strawberries I suggest you purchase a sauce pan from CAMP CHEF

42 Quart Aluminum Cooker Pot
42 Quart Aluminum Cooker Pot

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