This how to Season Your Cast – Iron Skillet

season a cast iron skilletAccording to Southern living these are five steps for a hillbilly cook to season their cast iron skillets.

(1). Scrub your skillet in hot soapy water.

(2). Now completely dry your skillet.

(3). Then spread a thin layer of melted shortening or vegetable oil over your skillet.

(4). The first thing that you need to do is to put your skillet upside down on the middle rack and turn the heat to 375 degrees and then spread some aluminum foil below the skillet to catch the drips.

(5). Finally bake your skillet for an hour and then let it cool down in your oven.

Now for all you hillbilly cooks who want your cast iron skillets to last all long time the best thing that you can do for your cast iron skillets is to re season it after you cook in it three or four times.

For an awesome cast iron skillet you can purchase one from CAMP CHEF by clicking on the link below.
Lumberjack Skillet 16″

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