This is How to Purchase Healthy Fish

Now hear is the skinny on fish.

Fresh Fish:

To be classified as fresh. The fish can not be out of the water for over two weeks. So, a fish is going to be out for of the water for up to two weeks, The catch needs to be kept on ice to be classified as fresh.

Frozen at Sea (FAS):

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, When fish is flash frozen is thawed it looks almost exactly like fresh fish.

Also, when a fish is flash frozen it locks in nutrition, texture, moisture and flavor.

Now, if you want fish that is fresh frozen look for the FAS on the package.

These are the methods on how to harvest fish:

The USDA requires a label stating if the fish is caught wild or farmed raise. Also, the country of origin must be on the label.

Line and Net caught Fish:

Hillbilly cooks have in the past and now catch fish with a line and/or net. According to them fish caught on a line is of better quality that those caught with a net.

Farmed Fish:

There are two method to raising farm (1). Pens in the Ocean. (2) Fresh water ponds and tanks.

Now while farmed fish does help  ease the strain of over fishing. However, when raised in open water pens organisms from the pens can destroy wild fish. Also, carnivorus  fish like salmon eat fish from decreasing production of smaller fish.

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