Never Add Olive Oil to Pasta Water

Olive oilNow here in U.S It is a common belief  that one thing  you should always do when boiling water for pasta and that is drizzle in olive oil to prevent the pasta from sticking. And, according to Italians It is not true.

The secret is that olive oil and pasta are a perfect match but only once the pasta is cooked. . Now, adding olive oil can ultimately harm the finished dish because it can prevent the sauce from clinging to the pasta. The whole point of saving pasta water is that the starchy substance helps pasta cling to its sauce, and the slickness of olive oil can interfere. Ask any chef or Italian cook, and they’ll back me up.

When making pasta that is awesome,  All you need to is break break out the good olive oil. Just be sure to save it until the pasta is cooked.

Now this the secret on how to make amazing pasta

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