This is How to Purchase Healthy Fish

Now hear is the skinny on fish. Fresh Fish: To be classified as fresh. The fish can not be out of the water for over two weeks. So, a fish is going to be out for of the water for up to two weeks, The catch needs to be kept on ice to be classified…

How to Buy and Prepare Dover Sole

Information on buying dover sole There are concerns that dover sole caught  in the North Atlantic , are being over-fished and unsustainable. Now there are now available sustainable sources of Dover sole caught in the English Channel. – look for the distinctive blue MSC (Marine Stewardship council) logo. Since,most sole is gutted upon landing and is available whole and…

These are Four ways to Prepare Shrimp

Shrimp cooking tips First way to cook shrimp Boiled or steamed shrimp. You  should always us frozen shrimp (check my blog on how to buy shrimp) for cooking times check the packages scale level for times that will very according to their size Second way to cook shrimp Deep frying Deep fry shrimp by preheating…

Never Add Olive Oil to Pasta Water

Now here in U.S It is a common belief  that one thing  you should always do when boiling water for pasta and that is drizzle in olive oil to prevent the pasta from sticking. And, according to Italians It is not true. The secret is that olive oil and pasta are a perfect match but only once…

This is How not to Cook Shrimp By the Huffington post.

These are the mistakes a lot of hillbilly Cooks make when they cook shrimp. Now when it comes to cooking shrimp it is important to understand the buying, cleaning and prepping stages. For more information go to my blog on how to buy shrimp. For information for buying imported shrimp go to Step one…

How to Buy Shrimp

Pay Attention to Count. Size do not pay attention to word  like “jumbo” or “extra large” These shrimp aren’t standardized, and they do not mean a lot when it comes  to shrimp size. Instead, look to the “count” number on the label. Shrimp is usually sold by the number needed to make one pound, so the lower…

How to filet dog fish

Step one Wash the dog fish and lay it out on the table Slice down behind the head, around the gills and the fish.     Step Two Remove and dispose of the head.     Step Three Remove the tail and dorsal fin       Step 4 Remove the Lower section and internal…

How to Clean Dog Fish.

Cleaning Dog Fish Dog Fish need to clean it immediately. The Fish  will leach out toxins through their skin after death (making sure its dead first is also a good idea). The ammonia will ruin the meat. You want to bleed it as soon as you get it to the boat (harpoons and guns help this)…