Have Mesquite Chips with one other chip.

Hickory and mesquite are both very popular woods chips for smoking ribs, but don’t limit yourself to trying new wood. Hickory has a sweet to strong taste which gives it a bacon taste.. Mesquite is a strong flavored wood, but it can create a bitter taste if used on its own.So it best to combine…

Smoke Amazing Beef Ribs without your Thermometer

Smoking ribs can be tricky because there isn’t always a great place to insert a thermometer probe, but you can easily smoke beef ribs in an electric smoker. All you need to do is set the smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and use the 3-2-1 method for smoking ribs. A general rule of thumb for the 3-2-1…

What are the best meats for you to Smoke?

The smoking technique can actually be use on any type of meat, However, it is best for tough cuts that need a long, slow cooking period.  The slow cooking process breaks down the fat and connective tissue so that the meat becomes good and tender. Hillbilly cooks will always choose a type of meat that…

Use Water When you Smoke big pieces of Meat.

Water Smoking helps control the temperature the big pieces of meat that need longer periods of time to cook. Now if you are using smaller pieces of meat that do not need longer smoking times, water is not necessary. So when you purchase a smoker for your Sunday afternoon of hillbilly cooked meats. Make sure you…

When to use Wet or Dry Smoking

The hillbilly cooks that I know are undecided on which method is correct  wet or dry  smoking. From my own experience and research. Water can be used to control the temperature inside the smoker while the meat is smoking. Now there are some smokers that are called water smokers. Which are designed to incorporate water into the…

Mesquite Chips for smaller cuts of Meat

For a hilly cook who wants to be an expert smoker it is important to correct wood chips for the each type of meat. Types of Wood Chips: (1). Mesquite: Mesquite chips will give your meat a delicious taste and a strong flavor. I you are going to use only mesquite then have smaller cuts…

How to use your Charcoal Smoker.

Charcoal grills are fueled by both wood and charcoal. Charcoal smokers are fueled by both charcoal and wood. Since Charcoal burns longer and steadier than wood, It is easier to use than wood smokers. Now I know a lot of hillbilly cooks who are very experienced use  charcoal smokers. But also is easy for a…

When should you use A Gas Smoker

Like an electric smoker a gas smoker is easy to use and you do not have to monitor the temperature all at all. Again according to the experts the meat will not have as much flavor as that of a wood or charcoal smoker. Now if you are a hillbilly cook who is very experience…

This is the Secret for you as an Inexperienced Smoker

With an electric smoker a hillbilly cook can put the meat inside the smoker and just leave it until the meat is done. According to experts  electric smokers aren’t the best for flavor, and they are expensive. Electric smokers are great if you are inexperience or have a busy schedule. My next blog will be…

How to Smoke your Meat with Wood

Wood smokers are known to produce a very flavorful meat. It is the wood chips that impart their strong flavor to the meats that are being smoked. Wood Smokers can be tricky because they have to be  monitored by constantly feeding them wood to keep the temperature steady. So if you are an inexperienced hillbilly cook you might want to start out…

Now Choose a Smoker for your Meats.

At one time smoking was the main way of preserving meat. Even though there were other ways. Smoking is still popular because it brings out the  flavor of meats by smoking them until the meat melt off of the bones. A lot of smoking experts say that all you need is to dig a hole ….

How,People in Coal Mines kept their Pasty’s warm.

Some my hillbilly ancestors worked in the coal mines of Harlan county Kentucky. So some them worked in the coal mines the UP of Michigan. So each day they would pick  up a pasty and keep them warm with a News Paper and for lunch the coal miners would eat the pasty and read a…