This is the secret on How to Braise Your White Beans

_braised_white_bean_chardThere are several recipes for white braised beans. Now here are some of the basic ingredients for two servings. One can of rinsed and drained white beans. One cup of chicken broth and salt and pepper to taste.

If it is not salty enough ad more salt and if it is too dry add chicken. Always taste the soup while you cooking it. For food safety issues always use the two spoon method which is using one spoon to scoop into another spoon that is the spoon to use when tasting.

Now my uncle who is an excellent hillbilly cook boils chicken bones mixed with mirepoix Then he adds salt and pepper to taste. For a white braised beans.

The Braised white beans go great with some of Paula Deans cornbread and green beans and salt pork.

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