Now This is the Secret on how to Bake an Amazing Cake.

cakeAccording to the Southern living test kitchen these are the mistakes a hillbilly cook makes when baking a cake.

(1) They don’t grease or flour the baking pan which will help the cake fall out of the pan more easy. (2) Not sifting the flour which will remove the lumps from the flour, and that increases the leavening process ensuring an even crust. (3) Under mix the butter which will feel like wet sand or damp corn meal (4) Over mixing the butter which will result in a fallen cake. (5) Don’t smooth the top of the cake. In addition to working out air cavities. It will ensure that the cake will be evenly baked. (6) Forget to tap before baking because it will remove air bubbles that may have gotten trapped in the butter. (7) Opening the oven during baking which will cause great fluctuation in the heat which could cause the cake to collapse. (8) Overcrowding the pan which will not have enough air and/proper air circulation.(9) Over filling the pan which the cake will end up with a giant hump in the middle or the cake will spill out while baking (10) Removing the cake too early. Test to see if it is done stick a tooth pick in the middle of the cake and if comes out clean then it is done.(11) Cut into the cake before it is cooled. Do not cut until the top is firm. This gives the cake a chance to finish baking and adjust to the temperature  (12) Not having eggs at room temperature with a high fat content such as cheese cake. Adding cold eggs could re harden the fat which will make the batter appear lumpy or curdled which could affect the texture of the cake.

By following these directions you to can enjoy a cake  after eating a great hillbilly cooked meal.


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