This How to Make Awesome Soup Beans

Bean soupMine and Ron’s ancestors come from the hills of Kentucky so I know that he is an authentic hillbilly cook.

So here is how to make soup beans the way that Hillbilly cooks do.

First here are the ingredients. 1 lb. of Northern dried beans. 1lb. of either Hock or shank    bone. (A person can use diced ham. But I prefer to have the bone). 6 cups of water, 2  tsp. of onion powder, and salt & pepper to taste.

Now rinse the beans then sort them for any pebbles. Then add the onion powder. salt & pepper. water, and ham. to a slow cooker. Cook for about 8 hours until the beans are tender. Before mixing them together remove the meat from the bone.

The soup beans is best served  with corn bread.

In addition, to Ron and I having ancestors from Kentucky. A lot of our relatives are buried in the same Kentuck graveyard. I am willing to wager that they took a lot of their hillbilly cooking recipes to the grave with them.


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